Allergies in Kids

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Allergies can be a drag and feel like a cold that lingers. Here are some tips from the AAP help treat children’s allergy symptoms.

  • Identify the allergens
    • Allergy testing is helpful to identify precisely what a child is allergic to as sometimes this can be unclear.
  • Avoiding allergens is always the best way to go, but some things are difficult to avoid altogether.
    • If your child has outdoor allergies, remove allergens after outside play by changing clothing and bathing. Also, using an air conditioner indoors may help.
    • Dust mite allergy? Wash linens, bedding, and blankets every 1-2 weeks in hot water.
    • Mold allergy? Avoid allowing pets and shoes indoors as they can track in mold. Also, avoid playing in piles of dead leaves in the fall.
    • Pet dander allergy? Avoid pets in the home and be aware of pets when planning visits elsewhere.
  • Common allergy treatments
    • Antihistamines can help with itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and rashes but can sometimes cause drowsiness.
    • Nasal corticosteroids are highly effective at preventing chronic allergy symptoms and are safe to use long-term but need to be taken daily to be effective.
    • Allergy immunotherapy may be discussed for severe allergies with a pediatric allergist.

Allergies can range from an occasional annoyance to an everyday struggle that needs to be brought to the attention of your child’s pediatrician for further evaluation. As always, if you have questions about allergies in kids, consult your pediatrician or pediatric allergist. For more information, visit these American Academy of Pediatrics links:


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