The Benefits of Outdoor Play in Early Childhood In today’s digital world, outdoor play is more important than ever for preschoolers. Exploring nature, running, climbing, and playing with peers provide essential developmental benefits. Here’s 5 reasons why outdoor play should be a daily part of every child’s routine.
Preschoolers are naturally curious, and learning doesn’t have to stop when they leave the classroom! Engaging in creative, hands-on activities at home can help reinforce important skills while keeping little ones entertained. Here are some innovative learning activities that parents can try with their preschoolers.
Every parent hopes to instill generosity in the hearts of their children and the holiday season is a great reminder of this. Here are a few tips from the experts at the American Academy of Pediatrics
With the holiday season upon us, we are inundated with advertisements for the latest and greatest gadgets and toys for little ones. The American Academy of Pediatrics has toy buying tips for young children to help guide thoughtful gift-giving this holiday season.
Halloween is an exciting time of year for kids, and to help them have a safe holiday, here are some tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
An exciting part of the toddler years is the transition from dependent to more independent! Here are some tips from the experts on fostering this independence in your little one.
Unfortunately, hand, foot and mouth disease is a very common (and very contagious!) virus that impacts mostly little ones, especially during the fall and winter seasons. Luckily, it is not typically serious and resolves without treatment. Here’s what the experts from the AAP have to say
The sunshine of summer allows for fun times for the whole family, but we must put safety first! While prevention is always the best method, it is helpful to know what to do when a sunburn happens. Here are some tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Everyone’s heard of the “terrible 2’s”, but 3 can be just as challenging! Here are some tips from the experts at the American Academy of Pediatrics to help everyone get through it and enjoy this exciting season of your little one’s development.
As we enjoy the sunshine this summer, many families will beat the heat by enjoying pools, beaches, lakes, and rivers. With safety being the number one concern, here are some important points to remember when taking little ones around water.