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Poway Hilltop Preschool Blog

Nightmares & Night Terrors

“Bad dreams” can mean different things for different children and be difficult to deal with. Here are some tips from the experts on how to identify and handle common childhood sleep issues:

Diaper Rash

On average, a diaper rash will noticeably improve within 2-3 days. If it persists (or you have any questions regarding diaper rash), contact your pediatrician.

Your little one will likely experience several upper respiratory infections or “colds” in their lives and, unfortunately, there is no cure. Here is some information about the signs, symptoms, and when to contact your pediatrician.

While cold winter weather is not typically something us Southern Californians think about often, it is important that parents and caregivers be aware of some potential safety hazards for little ones. For those of you traveling to colder climates this season, keep these winter car seat safety tips in mind

Easing Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety can be tough on little ones and parents alike! Developing a routine and sticking to it is the best way to help your little one at drop-off, build confidence, and foster independence. Here are some tips for easing those transition times

Bringing home baby #2 (or 3, or 4…)

Welcoming another child is an exciting time for the whole family! It also means some changes in the household and the lives of older children. Here are some tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics on making the transition a smoother one for the whole family.


Thinking about adding a pet to your family? Here are some things to consider and tips for a smooth transition from the experts regarding choosing the right pet (at the right time).

Baby Sign Language

We’ve all heard about baby sign language, but is it beneficial? Here’s what the experts from the American Academy of Pediatrics have to say...

Speech Delay

Children grow and develop at different rates, though there are general developmental milestones that most children will follow. When they do not meet those milestones, it can raise some concern as to what is causing it. Here are some notes from the experts at the American Academy of Pediatrics on what to look out fo

Does My Child Need Glasses?

August is Children’s Vision & Learning Month! The purpose is to raise awareness of the importance of vision screening in young children.